Kailash Budhathoki


  • Work: kaibud@ (append amazon.com)
  • Home: kailash.buki@ (append gmail.com)


Kailash currently leads a science team on optimizing foundation models for inference on AI accelerators (e.g., Amazon’s in-house Neuron chips) at Amazon Web Services (AWS) AI. Check out KDD’24 tutorial.

Prior to bootstrapping the inference optimization research effort, he led the cross-org science effort within Amazon to deliver bias mitigation solutions for Amazon’s in-house multimodal foundation models, called Titan Multimodal Embeddings model and Amazon Titan Image Generation model, towards their re:Invent 2023 release (Barth, 2023; Ali et al., 2023).

He joined Amazon Research Lablet Tübingen (part of AWS AI) in 2020, where he developed algorithms / tools to help businesses explain complex cause-effect relationships underlying their business problems, and led cross-org effort within Amazon to launch them in production (Budhathoki & Blöbaum, 2022; Budhathoki, 2021; Götz & Budhathoki, 2022). Businesses like Amazon Supply Chain and Amazon Ads actively use those solutions for effect estimation and root cause analysis of changes / outliers. Those algorithmic solutions were also open-sourced to the Python DoWhy library under a new package called gcm (Götz & Budhathoki, 2022; Blöbaum et al., 2023; Emre Kiciman, 2022). This collaboration with Microsoft Research led to a new GitHub organization, PyWhy, with the mission to build an open source ecosystem for causal machine learning (Götz & Budhathoki, 2022; Emre Kiciman, 2022).

He has a PhD in Computer Science from the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and a Master of Computer Science with honours from the Saarland University.


  1. Barth, A. (2023). Amazon Titan Image Generator, Multimodal Embeddings, and Text models are now available in Amazon Bedrock. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-titan-image-generator-multimodal-embeddings-and-text-models-are-now-available-in-amazon-bedrock
  2. Ali, J., Kleindessner, M., Wenzel, F., Budhathoki, K., Cevher, V., & Russell, C. (2023). Evaluating the Fairness of Discriminative Foundation Models in Computer Vision. Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 809–833.
  3. Budhathoki, K., & Blöbaum, P. (2022). New method identifies the root causes of statistical outliers. https://www.amazon.science/blog/new-method-identifies-the-root-causes-of-statistical-outliers
  4. Budhathoki, K. (2021). Explaining changes in real-world data. https://www.amazon.science/blog/explaining-changes-in-real-world-data
  5. Götz, P., & Budhathoki, K. (2022). AWS contributes novel causal machine learning algorithms to DoWhy Python library. https://www.amazon.science/blog/aws-contributes-novel-causal-machine-learning-algorithms-to-dowhy
  6. Blöbaum, P., Budhathoki, K., & Götz, P. (2023). Root Cause Analysis with DoWhy, an Open Source Python Library for Causal Machine Learning. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/root-cause-analysis-with-dowhy-an-open-source-python-library-for-causal-machine-learning/
  7. Emre Kiciman, A. S. (2022). DoWhy evolves to independent PyWhy model to help causal inference grow. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/dowhy-evolves-to-independent-pywhy-model-to-help-causal-inference-grow/